The diary of a bride written by a confused, guilt-ridden and panicking woman... Worried about your wedding? You're not alone, so come join me!
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Goodbye my friend
Friday, 23 March 2012
Top Of The (tying the) Knots
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Attack of the Green-eyed Monster
Friday, 16 March 2012
Beyond retro
Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, Saturday for no luck at all.
Friday, 9 March 2012
The great wedding cover-up
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Play that funky music
Monday, 5 March 2012
Hanging on the telephone
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Feathers, Kidston and jam jars, oh my!
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Napkins on Elm Street
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Frocky Horror Show
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Stressed? Don't go to a wedding fayre

I recently attended my first wedding fayre - an occasion I was sure would teach me many valuable things about planning a wedding. It did - don't go to wedding fayres.
OK, there are a lot of draws to wedding fayres, the main one - apart from the free sweets - being that you are able to search and compare all of the local wedding service providers in your area. Of course, you could do that from the comfort of your sofa using Google, but if I had done that this blog would be much shorter and I wouldn't have got A) as many sweets, or B) so panicked I thought I'd start crying among the chair cover stalls.
I say this because, from my one wedding fayre experience, some of the industry peeps out there are at best unhelpful and at worse quite frightening. The problem is, they believe they are experts - which, given that they will have been involved in the planning of dozens, if not hundreds, of weddings, while you are only struggling through one, is probably true. The problem with them being an expert and you an amateur is that, despite you wielding the cash, they hold all the power and will undoubtedly say things that make you feel (if possible) even more stressed.
One woman point blank told me that D "has to wear tails to get married". Does he really though? I know of no law dictating what a man wears to tie the knot in. As long as he doesn't dress up in a fluffy frog outfit I'll be quite happy. Another exhibitor insisted to my friend (also getting married) that although she had booked a venue, organised the entertainment and sent out her invites, her wedding would not be complete until she had also booked a chocolate fountain/magician/palm reader/animal tamer to entertain the guests.
In fact, it was these vendors of 'fun' services who were perhaps the most irritating. One we spoke to explained they would set up a photo booth at your wedding venue, with a fancy dress box, fake beards and lots of 'hilarious' quote bubbles guests could hold up as the alternative photographer snapped away. To sum up, the exhibitor said: "By having this at your wedding, your guests will be able to have some fun."
Now, while I'll agree that the average wedding is hardly up there with Glastonbury festival in the fun stakes, guests are usually, at a bare minimum, provided with a three-course meal, plenty of free booze, great music, some cake and the obligatory favour. Yet today, even that is not enough, because - according to this exhibitor - no fun will be had unless there is a fake photo booth/falconry display/Disney parade going on as well.
So, as you can see, the whole experience only added more points to my list of things to organise, causing me to leave far more panicked than when I arrived. As a result, I hope you heed this warning: if you are a bride of a nervous disposition, enter wedding fayres with caution. My advice? Put on your headphones, zoom around the stalls picking up business cards/sweets as you go and do not stop for anyone! Then return home and peruse your business cards on the sofa while enjoying your sweets. Simple!
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Do soap operas lie?

OK, the above question is pretty easy to answer - of course they lie. The main aim is to be unbelievable. Case 1: Three women (three!) fighting for the affections of John Stape in Coronation Street. Case 2: Sam Michell having sported at least two different heads - an abnormality none of the residents of Albert Square have ever commented on. Case 3: Hollyoaks.
The whole point of soaps is that they stretch the truth in the aim of making real life events more interesting. However, there is one area where they all universally stretch the truth beyond all limits - weddings.
No, I don't mean in the unlikely pairings, frequent elopements or occasional bigamy. I mean in the time it takes every soap bride to plan a wedding. In short, what is their secret and why won't they share it?
Since getting engaged, the most common phrase I have heard is "not long to go now", despite the wedding being a year away. In fact, read a wedding magazine and you will put it down believing there is no way you can plan a wedding without giving up your job and having four years of free time to play with. Yet, in the world of soaps, brides are able to plan and execute a wedding inside of six months or less.
It helps that the go-to reception venue is always the Rovers Return, Vic or Woolpack, which certainly cuts out all the time most couples spend scouting out stately homes, country churches or city hotels. And beware any soap bride who breaks with tradition and heads to a different venue to their local following their nuptials, as their marriage is guaranteed not to make it past the end credits if they do.
I dip in and out of Corrie and in the recent Becky-Steve-Tracy storyline I was less interested in whether Tracy's evil deeds would be uncovered and Becky vindicated than I was in how on earth Ms Barlow (who has also sported at least two heads during her life) managed to pull together a wedding in what must have been about four months.
She managed to book a date at Arley Hall chapel - a home so grand it would make the cast of Downton Abbey weep with envy. She had arranged for a tower of beautifully decorated cup cakes to be piled up for the guests to dig into. The venue was decked out in stunning flowers. And, most tellingly of all, she had a wedding dress that fit perfectly - the top half of which, according to Corrie's ITV makers, was bespoke. In every wedding dress shop I have been into, I have been informed at least six months is necessary to order a dress, alter it to fit you and allow for any additional alterations.
Yet not for the Corrie women months of shopping and then waiting for their dress to come. Instead, they can wander into one bridal boutique and come out swinging a bag on their arm. Soap brides also have few problems booking the venue of their dreams with just four months' notice. And at no point do they sit down with their partner to talk money.
So, why do soap writers cut out the wedding planning? In real life, this is a stage promising so much drama that bridesmaids are driven to drink and brides end up on the brink of a nervous breakdown.
Unfortunately, I can only assume that it's because they know that if they made the soap brides go through 12 months of worrying about whether to have roses or tulips, or sweating over a table plan, as well as juggling their affair, bankruptcy and bigamy, they would never make it down the aisle at all.
Friday, 3 February 2012
How bizarre?

The other day my dad described my wedding as "bizarre". There is still a year to go and so far the only thing we've done is book a venue, but already mine and D's wedding has gained a reputation. My dad did try to back pedal, saying he "liked bizarre", but the damage was already done.
To be honest, I think he will be in for a sad disappointment once my nuptials come around. In fact, if he thinks what I have planned is bizarre he should watch My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding or flick through Heat every once in a while. Because couples today have truly out-there weddings.
In my opinion, bizarre is performing a dance on stage for your spouse, bursting through a trapdoor in the stage belting out I Know Him So Well from Chess, dressing up in Civil War gear with the bride as a Royalist and the groom a Roundhead, or getting the dog to act as best man. And if you really want to see a wedding at the sharp end of the weird stick, may I direct you to the nuptials of Liza Minnelli and David Gest - an event so bizarre it will never be topped. Until that big day, the thought of Michael Jackson, Liz Taylor and Martine McCutcheon (Yes! Martine McCutcheon!) standing in a room together was something even the surrealist of minds couldn't have thought up. This was a wedding photo opportunity that will never be topped.
However, while I may mock, I also think better to be bizarre than bland. And better to do something with Minnelli-levels of crazy than religiously follow the Hello Magazine dream-wedding-blueprint. At least if you know you're an expert in your wedding, no-one else can tell you what they think you should be doing.
In fact, if you have a particularly far-out idea in mind, I'd say it's best to run with it. On this journey, everyone you meet wants to hand you a pearl of wisdom. So far, I have been told by various exhibitors at wedding fayres that the groom must wear tails to get married in, vinyl covers are not a suitable table centrepiece, I have to have sequins on my dress and I should have the photographer there to take pictures of me the morning I get married, whether or not the house is a tip, my hair looks like something from Fraggle Rock and I am openly swigging from a bottle of Baileys.
Indeed, everyone seems to have an opinion on what we should do with little regard for what we may want to do. So, maybe it's time we took a hint from Liza, embraced the crazy and forgot about other people's opinions. How bizarre? Maybe not!
Thursday, 2 February 2012
The big question

So far all I appear to have done is worry, moan, stress and moan some more. Which brings us to the big question - why bother?
Not why bother getting married, because that's a totally different question and one probably best answering before you're knee high in chair cover bows. No, why bother having a big wedding? And by big I mean anything over you and two witnesses.
It would be so easy to head to the local registry office or town hall - or even to hop on a plane to
So, what is the reason we opt to have a wedding, rather than simply get married? Even Kate Moss, usually the barometer of cool for people who feel the need to have a barometer of cool, had a traditional wedding (admittedly followed by a three-day knees-up).
Well, actually there's two reasons. The first is to be able to celebrate your love in front of all your friends and family, and to repay them for all they have done for you over the years with a kick-ass party. The other is the reason that we dare not say out loud. It is that deep down (OK - deep, deep down) we would quite like a day about us. Just a few hours when people are happy for us and celebrating with us.
Because, let's be honest, after the age of 22 it becomes a struggle to get a group of more than ten together (if you're lucky) to celebrate your birthday. And the older they get, the less some people feel like celebrating their birthday, as opposed to hiding under a blanket, eating a Battenberg with a spoon and weeping. Yes, there are other occasions to celebrate - you can have a house warming when you buy your first home (but you'll spend the whole time nearly hysterical with fear the floor will be scratched, walls stained and sofa set on fire). Or, you might be keen to raise a glass after bagging a new job or getting a promotion (but anything more than a few drinks at the pub on this occasion and you risk looking like Elton John in your need to celebrate all things you).
And really, is there anything wrong with wanting that day to just be about you two? I would imagine that by the time all the hard work is done and it actually gets here, you'll deserve it. It's nothing to be ashamed of - particularly when once you reach your mid-20s you'll be attending a wedding practically every weekend. Enjoy your turn because it will only happen once. And if you really want to milk your time in the spotlight, consider writing a song about it afterwards.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Share, don't compare

This post is something of a continuation of the last. While then I spoke about how magazines and blogs can make you feel panicked by telling you all of the things you should be doing, they can also invoke the green eyed monster.
I, like a lot of others, am keen to avoid the cookie-cutter wedding (huge dress, tiara, fancy car, shouty master of ceremonies - there's nothing wrong with this type of wedding, but I find it a bit daunting) and opt for something less traditional that stands out and also reflects mine and D's personalities. As we get older, we will be called upon to attend more and more weddings each year and no-one wants theirs to blend into a memory fog.
One problem though - I am far from the Edgy Bride. In fact, a quick peek at blogs and posts by Edgy Brides on the web just made me feel even more confused and panicked.
The main reason for this was that all their weddings were so cool. Because they were cool. Indeed, every one of the Edgy Bride weddings I looked at were achingly cool.
Yet there was also an air of the unbelievable about them. Some claimed they had wanted a relaxed wedding: "More an informal gathering really..." Yet I refuse to believe these brides were relaxed as they iced their own cake the day before they got married, painted banners and blackboards to decorate the venue with, made their own bouquets from lace birds and butterflies or attempted to convince their grandmother that spending the reception sitting on a cushion outside a yurt was fun.
The more black and white pictures I scrolled through - showing brides in vintage satin with their hair a little too carefully unkempt, grooms in sunglasses and natty tweed suits posing at a bus stop, bridesmaids wearing un-matching yet colour co-ordinated prom dresses, laughing as they posed in wellies outside a barn, where "close friend" Jonas was entertaining the guests with a few Bright Eyes songs on his acoustic guitar - the more I realised I am not cool. And maybe that's a good thing.
The bottom line is that your wedding day will reflect who you are, whether or not you personally choose the evening's set list, name each table after your favourite films or even invest in huge posters showing you and your spouse laughingly walking your dog by a canal. The venue will be packed with your friends and family watching you exchange vows. When the big day comes it could not be more personal, unique or cool.
If you want to get your craft kit out, start baking or begin scouting for unusual places to have your wedding photographs taken, that's OK too. But if you're just not that kind of bride - and I'm not - sit back and bask in the knowledge that when your wedding day comes, you will be glad having to arrange cup cakes like a pile of Ferrero Rocher is the last thing on your mind.
So, the lesson is not to compare but to share. Your wedding will be individual, but it's OK to take inspiration from others. At the end of the big day, we will all be taking home an album of photos showing smiling guests, a smart groom and a woman in white.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Stress less

When I got engaged I vowed I would just enjoy it for a while. This I did. For about one week. And that was only because it was Christmas, a time when everything, including the wedding industry, takes a backseat. However, before too long people wanted to know when the big day was. And no matter how vague the date in your mind is, with a date there must come a venue. And with a venue there must come a theme for the day. And so it spirals. At least I enjoyed my one week of being engaged.
As mentioned before, I am quite lazy and I prefer to turn to third parties for guidance/a-person-to-do-it-for-me whenever something big looms on the horizon. So that's just what I did. Big mistake!
There is a
Then there were the blogs and magazines, both of which opened up a completely different can of worms. Not only did I have to plan the biggest event of my life but it also had to be the Best. Day. Ever!!! Yet every wedding was different. Where was the cut-out-and-keep blue print I was after? The one thing I ascertained was that brides can be split into two basic types.
These are the brides who get engaged, buy every wedding magazine on the shelf one day later and will strive for the fairytale wedding. I have nothing but respect for these women as the very idea of setting such a goal sends me racing for the sherry bottle again.
Increasingly, there are brides out there who dismiss the fairytale wedding in favour of something different and more "them". At first, this seems like a sensible route, but delve deeper. Take a look at the Polaroid photos, the handcrafted table decorations, the homemade tower of cupcakes. Down this route lies even more stress than the ultimate cookie-cutter wedding.
So, I have decided that from this point forward I will limit the "advice" I seek. I will flick through wedding magazines faster than Superman spins around in his phone booth. I will draw up my own wedding plan.
And if I do want advice, I will ask people to share their tips with me. Friends who have got married and lived to tell the tale, or those who are getting married and are happy to hear me moan if they can do the same. Perhaps the best person to turn to is your mum. Trust me, when you're up to your eyes in dried flowers, weeping as you attempt to tie bouquets in yarn, to place in one of the ten antique glasses you have been collecting, to place in the middle of the circle of tea light holders you have decorated with the names of your guests to use as place settings, you will wonder why you didn't just ask her to host a buffet at her house.